Birding At Home

I can’t believe the last trip I took was in March. Apart from the fun & new experiences, I love to travel because it gives a break from the humdrum of life. It’s good for my mental health as well. Quarantine has been a challenge since even the weekly bird walks were cancelled until further notice. I find myself not leaving the estate sometimes for two weeks. I don’t go for walks around the hood because thugs sometimes attack people. Add to that the unrelenting cold weather and it’s not been easy keeping sane. Thankfully I still have birdwatching left.

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Birding At Nairobi Arboretum

The Nairobi Arboretum is an underrated location in my opinion. Maybe people don’t know what’s available there, or the fact that there’s no PSV route passing close by discourages them from going. It’s quite a walk from University Way/ Nyerere Rd roundabout, but once you get there it’s worth it.

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NNP Waterfowl Census With Nature Kenya

As I mentioned in my previous post, this year I was determined to attend all the waterfowl census to be held in & around Nairobi in July. Especially those which I missed in January, like the one at Nairobi National Park. I have been to the Park several times before, but to see the mammals. This would be a different experience no doubt.

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Birding At City Park

Nairobi is such an interesting city. It was founded during the construction of the railway through East Africa. Due to the swampy condition of the place, numerous officials in the colonial government ruled out the possibility of it being a capital city…yet here we are years later! Apart from it being a bustling business metropolis, it’s also rich in wildlife (Nairobi National Park) and birds. Over 600 bird species have been recorded in Nairobi.

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Birding at the Nairobi National Museum

When you mention the Nairobi National Museum, what comes to most people’s minds is the exhibits that give a glance into life in the olden days. But there’s something else that the Museum holds- abundant birdlife. Did you know? There are over 1000 bird species in Kenya, 600 being in Nairobi alone! The Museum is a popular habitat not only for local but also migrant species, which take a break here during the winter before returning to Europe/ Asia. As such, this is one of the favourite locations amongst birders.

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Manguo Swamp Waterfowl Census with Nature Kenya

Hey peeps! After a momentous election season, it’s time to get back to ‘normal’. I still don’t get why it has to be such a big deal. I mean, our neighbor Rwanda held her election around the same time and it was over before we even realised…yet here life came to a standstill for a whole week! That being said, I went for a birdwalk in an unexpected location a few weeks ago and it was such an interesting experience! Continue reading “Manguo Swamp Waterfowl Census with Nature Kenya”